Spite. Pure unadulterated spite is what was on display here.
Sorry for the late recording on this (well not late recording but late publishing). Here is another run of the consuming shadow with the ministry man character!
Just wanted to just talk about content differences in games for a little bit. Didn't have much of a direction for this one, so I rambled a lot. Hope everyone is doing well!
So we are trying something new here with a type of audio/video where I give my final impressions of the games I play on rumble after I beat them. I tried darksiders in a more podcast format with no video and the next one for Amnesia will have my stream in the background with no sound outside of my commentary giving my final impressions. Hopefully everyone enjoys it and be sure to let me know if you guys would like anything else for this series of videos of if I should do something else on locals. Thank you!
I hope you are having a great day and hope you enjoy your time here in this locals community. Feel free to talk about anything gaming or entertainment related here and enjoy some escapism. I’ll be adding more and more content here as time goes on, so please feel free to suggest anything you would like to see on here! Enjoy yourself and have some fun!
Hey guys, I just wanted to update you guys on the content that’s coming here. I haven’t been uploading here for the past few months and that is on me and I apologize for it. I don’t have the means to do everything I want to do here just yet, but for right now I’m going to do some let’s play content here and the occasional hunt showdown recording with shred as we play off stream. For what’s coming next, we have plenty of backyard baseball content coming up, as well as consuming shadow content coming. These will be completely free to watch without subbing. In regards to exclusive content, the remember me playthrough should continue soon as well as the backyard hockey season videos will be exclusive to supporters (except for the first video which will be free). I hope everyone enjoys the content and I hope to make more in the future. Thank you!